five sisters one mama
I am the founder of the site, a plant biology student at UC Riverside, and a lover of plant-based cooking. My mom is happy that the countless disasters I created in the kitchen all throughout my childhood are actually starting to pan out (pardon the pun). Check out my recipes and info on a plant-based diet and please feel free to contact me anytime with questions and/or comments!
I am the content strategist and the oldest sister (which as we get older, I am less and less excited about). I love cooking, reading, all things coffee, music, and my two sons. Check out my monthly six series, or, as one of the non-vegan contributors, a meaty-cheesy recipe.
I am a contributor and the mother of these five young women (in addition to my two sons who, despite what my daughters will tell you, are not my favorites). I shared with my daughters my love of running, reading, cooking, and all-around kicking ass at life (Kathy didn’t write this. I, Ari, wrote this). Check out my book reviews and stay tuned for some quick thoughts I have on transitioning into being a parent of adult children, challenges with running and injuries, and basically all other things related to becoming (not even that) old.
I am a contributor and current pre-law student at UCLA majoring in English. My brother Nick once called me a pit bull in a letter I received at sleep-away camp. I suppose I have since taken that to heart as I am the only avid weight-lifter among my otherwise shrimpy sisters. For any readers who are interested in getting stronger (pit bull status or not), I hope my workout recommendations are a great place to start.
I am a contributor and the youngest of the sisters. I am the OG (original Gush) vegan, and all around animal lover. I founded a club at my school called Voices for Animals that aims to raise money for farm animals, cleans up beaches, and much more! I am also a runner like my sisters (unlike us, she is actually fast — again, Ari).
I am a contributor and OBY-GYN resident at USC. Seeing as WebMD has saturated the online market for worst case scenario medical advising, I will limit my medical posts to what’s super exciting and fun in the field in addition to the blog fundamentals of what we all like eating and drinking. I am also more than happy to answer any questions you have about this career path.
Left to right: Alexandra, Alison, Kathryn, Ari, Annalise, and Angela