Life of a Stressed High School Student
It’s Angie and it has definitely been awhile! A month into the new school year and I am already feeling the chaos of junior year. Recently, I have been neglecting the blog because of my hectic schedule and even now, I’m writing this at midnight. Actually, I ended up falling asleep shortly after this sentence and now it is days later. So, you can see how my ability to complete a blog post is seriously terrible. Anyway, as I was frantically trying to conjure an idea to write about, I came to a realization that I could blog about my experiences as a stressed, busy high school student. For my first of this series, I want to talk about my unnecessary stress caused by things of which I’m not in control. Below, I've compiled some of the ways I can become unreasonably stressed during the school year, and in addition, how I'm going to attempt to prevent these worries. Hopefully this is helpful for any other stressed out teenager or really anyone who has a lot on their plate.
My grades
I find myself checking my grades constantly. My friends tease me for my bad habit of worrying about how badly I performed on a test without even knowing my grade yet. If you are reading this, I'm sorry for always filling up our lunch conversations with my test drama because honestly nobody cares about what questions "I think" I got wrong. As long as I study and pay attention in class, my test grade is out of my hands. This year, I'm going to try to remember this as I will frequently be taking very challenging exams.
Finding time to experience the fun of high school
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in schoolwork and running. I stress that my chances to hang out with friends and to go to high school related events are low with all the work I need to do. If I do find the time for fun, I feel overwhelmed afterwards because it seems that I quickly fall behind in my responsibilities. In order to balance my life, I need to put my phone away more often, figure out what is most important at this time in my life, and maintain my health. In the end, I know that I will reap the benefits of working hard right now, and if I focus and prevent distractions aka my phone, then I will be able to enjoy the good times of high school as well.
First Dance of Junior Year
Getting enough sleep
I would consider getting enough sleep in the same category as a fun activity of high school because when I’m able to get a good night’s sleep, it is definitely fun to wake up and to not feel like a complete zombie when I go to school. However, I also think of it as a separate idea because there is a lot of stress about whether I’m going to get a healthy amount of sleep especially as a runner who needs the rest. Plus, getting enough sleep should definitely be a necessity rather than a “fun activity”. Usually, I have a load of homework that I complete late at night and I’m overwhelmed going to bed knowing that I am not getting the rest I need. In order to prevent this stress, I need to manage my time better but most importantly, go to bed when I hit complete exhaustion because in reality, any work I’m doing that late at night never makes sense when I look at it the next day.
I hope any other busy students can relate to my worries, and hopefully some of the stress can go away with my tips! Thanks for reading and I can’t wait for the next time I write about my life as a stressed high school student.